Article Submissions
The Homeland & National Security Law Review welcomes articles, comments, and case notes focused on policy, legal, or operational issues implicated in homeland and national security law. For example, topics focused on anti-terrorism and force protection, aviation law, border security, counter-terrorism, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, domestic military operations, emergency management, immigration, intelligence collection and analysis, and privacy.
Submission Instructions:
Practioners, professors, and students are welcome to submit manuscripts for publications consideration to
Each article submission must include the following documents:
• Article in MS Word or comparable file format
• Cover Letter
• Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Each article submitted must conform to the following guidelines:
• 12-point font, Times New Roman
• 1-inch margins
• Double-spaced
• Left justification
• One space between sentences
• Citations should conform to the Harvard Law Review et al. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. 21st ed. Cambridge: Harvard Law Rev. Assn., 2021.